Have you ever felt completely lost or gone through periods where it was difficult to find meaning? Perhaps you've had dreams that worry you or that you want to understand from a broader perspective. You might have dream experiences that you find hard to understand or manage.
Maybe you've had spiritual experiences that are hard to comprehend or integrate, such as glimpses of past incarnations in dreams or while awake.
Have you perhaps experienced a Kundalini awakening? Kundalini energy, which remains largely unknown in the West, is the force of life’s development. At its best, it expands your consciousness, but it can also cause intense problems until it is balanced.
Maybe you’ve had an out-of-body experience, perceived a shift in time, experienced strong synchronicities, felt a sense of death, or watched your life flash before your eyes. You may have gone through dark periods that made you ponder profound concepts like "the dark night of the soul."...